A downloadable Samurai-Kirby for Windows

Samurai Kirby is a two players reflex game where the first to press the *correct* button wins! It is a more-than-obvious homage to the Samurai Kirby mini-game from Kirby Super Star on SNES in 1996.

-= What's this project =-

It's an exclusively online game using a dedicated server, and the game was made in 3 months as my first Unity project (and the server is my first C++ project). Server is hosted on AWS, all information as well as sources can be found on GitHub:

Game source
Server source

I used this project to learn UI, networking, serialization, animation and sound management, asset management, controls and controller detection, localization.

As it's something I deeply value, a tried to emphasize accessibility:

  • The game is available in French and English 
  • It detects the controller used to display button assets
  • Two fonts are available to make text easier to read
  • Difficulty selection is made with color + word + settings displayed
  • A flash is used during an animation, so the game starts with a warning and it can be disabled in settings

This project was done in the context of my portfolio. As a senior back-end engineer with 7 years of experience, I want to dedicate my career to working in the gaming industry. I'm now an aspiring gamedev / network engineer.

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-= Things I wish I implemented =-

I restricted myself to 3 months max on this project.
If I had more time, client-side...

  • Translations for dynamic text (easy)
  • Menu transitions (easy)
  • Loaders while waiting for a server response (easy)
  • Not relying on activating/deactivating gameobjects for menu pages (medium)
  • Character asset selection (medium)
  • Add a difficulty where each player has to input not one button but a sequence without any mistake! (medium)
  • Playable tutorial (difficult)
  • One player mode (difficult - gameplay logic is mostly server-side)

-= Credits =-


Font by davidfens
Spritesheet by jermungandr
Icons by greatdocbrown

Special Thanks

Nicolas Casaretto - my friend who accepted to craft all sounds... with his mouth
Marie Roca d'Huyteza - my very supportive girlfriend
Coeur de Tome - my team of friends always here to playtest my ideas
Topi - the cutest dog who slept at my feet during the whole development process


Only for non-commercial use in the context of my own portfolio.
All Kirby assets and rights belong to Nintendo and HAL Laboratory.


SamuraiKirby.zip 34 MB

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